The Crown of Thorns App

Dear fellow Christians,

My name is Mark Cannon and I have been given a very special gift from God – my art.
Apparently drawing before I was speaking, my mother recognized my gift & placed me in
an adult oil painting class at the age of seven. I painted my first portraits at eight years old
and sold my first portrait commission “Heather“ at nine.

I was raised in a deeply rooted Christian family & went to church every Sunday my entire
life growing up. A life sized crucifix, hand carved from wood hung majestically above the
alter in our neighbourhood parish. Even as a very young child, I can remember being
drawn to and connected with the amazing story depicted by this statue. At the age of
twelve, I was both old enough & founded enough in my Christian faith to understand that
God had given me a very special talent to which I was so grateful.

On Good Friday in 1975, I put my drawing pad & pencils in my backpack, got on my Schwinn
Stingray bicycle & drove the 31/2 miles to the Church of the Nativity in Midland Park, NJ.
Sitting quietly, alone in the third pew, I drew the statue to which I was so drawn. For two hours,
I felt so close to His pain and frustration, not truly understanding but knowing & feeling
His love, proclaimed through His sacrifice for me. That experience as a twelve year old
began a bond between my Jesus, my art & those all-encompassing two hours on Good
Friday and began a tradition that has lasted decades. The wonder of that Good Friday in
1983 and the beginning of my Ministry can be read under
“The Miracle”.